Saturday, February 22, 2020

Moral Stages of Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Moral Stages of Development - Essay Example Interspersed throughout these critical learning levels are seven different stages of understanding in which the child slowly progresses from one level to the next. Kohlberg defines the first level of moral development as that time when a child is very impressionable to rules and standards of behavior, but only to the extent that he or she will act a certain way to avoid physical punishment or gain physical rewards (treats, etc.). Level Two moral development involves both conformity and loyalty to social norms, according to Kohlberg, and this is the level that parents and educators strive to instill in their children. In this stage, laws and societal rules are accepted and understand as being put in place for the good of the nation or group. In contrast, Level Three, also called the Autonomous Level, sees an individual making judgment choices based not only on societal expectations and laws but on his or her own personal ethical code, which has developed throughout the years (Kohlberg 1971). According to Miller, Van Esterik and Van Esterik, the concept of childhood itself has only been in use for a few hundred years (2001); this relative newness gives researchers few concrete ideologies when it comes to understanding the moral development of a young person in school. Kottak agrees that the role of the classroom and the effects of a changing world are constantly creating new issues with students; he feels that in particular, television has a great role to play in the gender development of students everywhere. Kottak notes that in a few short decades as television became omnipresent, students began treating their teachers and their peers with what he regards as less respect and simply less attention. Instead of learning their place in society from their teachers and their parents, they are also learning it from movies and TV programs; in fact these very programs have a direct effect on the gender bias in classrooms (Kottak 2000). Where parents and even teachers might tend to avoid actually discussing the issue of gender bias in the classroom and the wider world, television opens up the topic for discussion and children are learning early on about their history as a sex and making decisions about their future in this respect. Conclusion Kohlberg's levels of moral development can be directly implemented by teachers in early learning situations most effectively; the more time left before instilling basic social expectations, the more difficult it is to instill them at all. As children in level one are the most susceptible to learning fresh concepts, it is best that teachers of younger children do their best to address issues of gender bias in such a way as to bring the children forward into a new reality, instead of merely teaching them about what already exists. Perhaps this is the most crucial aspect of level one learning: instead of showing children the things that need changing and hoping they will decide to take a stand in the future, teach them about their role in a more perfected society, where the genders are truly

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Persuasive memo Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Persuasive memo - Coursework Example rse was specifically created to cater the needs of the busy individuals such as myself as the courses are designed for weekend class attendance and internet correspondence between the professor and the student during weekdays. As such, I do not expect any scheduling conflicts to arise between my work schedule and class hours. Upon my completion of the course, I plan to offer myself up to the company as a trainer for incoming agents who will be answering the email inquiries of the Cignal clients. I will be able to transfer my knowledge of proper writing habits and presenting oneself through the written word which is a skill that most of our agents still need to perfect. The company will be able to save thousands of dollars in hiring outside trainers once I complete the course. We will be able to create our own in house training system using the knowledge I will be gaining and therefore, offer the company continuous savings in terms of agent training. I have been a part of Cignal for the past 5 years and I have always taken every opportunity to help advance the business of our company. It is my greatest hope that you will find me worthy of financial support in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) so that I can continue to further hone my skills for the benefit of our